Peer Reviewed Publications
*undergraduate student coauthor, +graduate student coauthor
17. Byrne, K.M.*, J. C. Luong*, K. Kaczynski. Divergent drought responses in two cold desert shrublands. Accepted. Ecosphere.
*co-first authors
16. Stewart S. M.+ and K. M. Byrne. 2025. Is reinforcement a viable conservation strategy for the endangered perennial herb, Astragalus applegatei? Restoration Ecology 33: e14314. Link
15. Shi B., M. Delgado-Baquerizo, A. K. Knapp, M. D. Smith, S. C. Reed, B. Osborne, Y. Carrillo, F. T. Maestre, Y. Zhu, A. Chen, K. Wilkins, M. C. Holdrege, A. Kulmatiski, C. Picon-Cochard, C. Roscher, S. Power, K. M. Byrne, and others. 2024. Aridity drives the response of soil total and particulate organic carbon to drought in temperate grasslands and shrublands. Science Advances 10: eadq2654. Link
14. Smith M. D., K. Wilkins, and Drought-Net (including K. M. Byrne). 2024. Extreme drought impacts have been underestimated in grasslands and shrublands globally. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 121: e2309881120. Link
13. Nunes A.+, and K. M. Byrne. 2022. Drought and shrub cover differentially affect seed bank composition within two sagebrush steppe communities. Journal of Arid Environments 202: 104752. Link
12. Kelly S.*, C. McKinney*, and K. M. Byrne. 2022. Innovation in Restoration: Estimating Seed Counts Using a Photography App. Ecological Restoration 40: 29-32. Link
11. Byrne K. M. 2021. Technical Note: A Rapid Method to Estimate Root Production in Grasslands, Shrublands, and Forests. Rangeland Ecology and Management 76: 74-77. Link
10. Wilcox K. R., Z. Shi, L. A. Gherardi, N. P. Lemoine, S. E. Koerner, D. L. Hoover, E. Bork, K. M. Byrne, and others. 2017. Asymetric responses of primary productivity to climate extremes: a synthesis of grassland precipitation manipulation experiments. Global Change Biology 23: 4376-4385. Link
9. Byrne K. M., P. B. Adler, and W. K. Lauenroth. 2017. Contrasting effects of precipitation manipulations in two Great Plains plant communities. Journal of Vegetation Science 28: 238-249. Link
8. Adler P. B., K. Byrne, and J. Leiker. 2013. Can the past predict the future? Experimental tests of historically-based population models. Global Change Biology 19: 1793-1803. Link
*Highlighted in Nature Climate Change
7. Byrne K. M., W. K. Lauenroth, and P. B. Adler. 2013. Contrasting effects of precipitation manipulations on production at two sites within the central grassland region, USA. Ecosystems 16: 1039-1051. Request. The final publication is available at springer.
6. Robinson T. M. P., K. J. La Pierre, M. A. Vadeboncoeur, K. M. Byrne, M. L. Thomey, and S. E. Colby. 2013. Seasonal, not annual precipitation drives community productivity across ecosystems. Oikos 122: 727-738. Link
5. Evans S. E., K. M. Byrne, W. K. Lauenroth, and I. C. Burke. 2011. Defining the limit to resistance in a drought-tolerant grassland: long-term severe drought significantly reduces the dominant species and increases ruderals. Journal of Ecology 99: 1500-1507. Link
*Received Issue 6 (November 2011) Editor’s Choice Award
4. Byrne K. M., W. K. Lauenroth, P. B. Adler, and C. M. Byrne*. 2011. Estimating Aboveground Net Primary Production in Grasslands: a Comparison of Non-Destructive Methods. Rangeland Ecology and Management 64: 9-12. Link
3. Buhnerkempe M., N. Burch, S. Hamilton, K. M. Byrne, E. Childers, K. A. Holfelder, L. McManus, M. I. Pyne, G. Schroeder, and P. F. Doherty, Jr. 2011. The utility of transient sensitivity for wildlife management and conservation: Bison as a case study. Biological Conservation 144: 1808-1815. Link
2. Pyne M. I., K. M. Byrne, P. F. Doherty, Jr., K. A. Holfelder, L. McManus, M. Buhnerkempe, N. Burch, E. Childers, S. Hamilton, and G. Schroeder. 2010. Survival and Breeding Transitions for a Reintroduced Bison Population: a Multi-state Approach. Journal of Wildlife Management 74: 1464-1471. Link
1. Byrne K. M., W. K. Lauenroth, and L. McManus. 2010. Non-native Plant Species Impacts on Production and Diversity in the Front Range of Colorado. Western North American Naturalist 70: 288-295. Link
*co-first authors
16. Stewart S. M.+ and K. M. Byrne. 2025. Is reinforcement a viable conservation strategy for the endangered perennial herb, Astragalus applegatei? Restoration Ecology 33: e14314. Link
15. Shi B., M. Delgado-Baquerizo, A. K. Knapp, M. D. Smith, S. C. Reed, B. Osborne, Y. Carrillo, F. T. Maestre, Y. Zhu, A. Chen, K. Wilkins, M. C. Holdrege, A. Kulmatiski, C. Picon-Cochard, C. Roscher, S. Power, K. M. Byrne, and others. 2024. Aridity drives the response of soil total and particulate organic carbon to drought in temperate grasslands and shrublands. Science Advances 10: eadq2654. Link
14. Smith M. D., K. Wilkins, and Drought-Net (including K. M. Byrne). 2024. Extreme drought impacts have been underestimated in grasslands and shrublands globally. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 121: e2309881120. Link
13. Nunes A.+, and K. M. Byrne. 2022. Drought and shrub cover differentially affect seed bank composition within two sagebrush steppe communities. Journal of Arid Environments 202: 104752. Link
12. Kelly S.*, C. McKinney*, and K. M. Byrne. 2022. Innovation in Restoration: Estimating Seed Counts Using a Photography App. Ecological Restoration 40: 29-32. Link
11. Byrne K. M. 2021. Technical Note: A Rapid Method to Estimate Root Production in Grasslands, Shrublands, and Forests. Rangeland Ecology and Management 76: 74-77. Link
10. Wilcox K. R., Z. Shi, L. A. Gherardi, N. P. Lemoine, S. E. Koerner, D. L. Hoover, E. Bork, K. M. Byrne, and others. 2017. Asymetric responses of primary productivity to climate extremes: a synthesis of grassland precipitation manipulation experiments. Global Change Biology 23: 4376-4385. Link
9. Byrne K. M., P. B. Adler, and W. K. Lauenroth. 2017. Contrasting effects of precipitation manipulations in two Great Plains plant communities. Journal of Vegetation Science 28: 238-249. Link
8. Adler P. B., K. Byrne, and J. Leiker. 2013. Can the past predict the future? Experimental tests of historically-based population models. Global Change Biology 19: 1793-1803. Link
*Highlighted in Nature Climate Change
7. Byrne K. M., W. K. Lauenroth, and P. B. Adler. 2013. Contrasting effects of precipitation manipulations on production at two sites within the central grassland region, USA. Ecosystems 16: 1039-1051. Request. The final publication is available at springer.
6. Robinson T. M. P., K. J. La Pierre, M. A. Vadeboncoeur, K. M. Byrne, M. L. Thomey, and S. E. Colby. 2013. Seasonal, not annual precipitation drives community productivity across ecosystems. Oikos 122: 727-738. Link
5. Evans S. E., K. M. Byrne, W. K. Lauenroth, and I. C. Burke. 2011. Defining the limit to resistance in a drought-tolerant grassland: long-term severe drought significantly reduces the dominant species and increases ruderals. Journal of Ecology 99: 1500-1507. Link
*Received Issue 6 (November 2011) Editor’s Choice Award
4. Byrne K. M., W. K. Lauenroth, P. B. Adler, and C. M. Byrne*. 2011. Estimating Aboveground Net Primary Production in Grasslands: a Comparison of Non-Destructive Methods. Rangeland Ecology and Management 64: 9-12. Link
3. Buhnerkempe M., N. Burch, S. Hamilton, K. M. Byrne, E. Childers, K. A. Holfelder, L. McManus, M. I. Pyne, G. Schroeder, and P. F. Doherty, Jr. 2011. The utility of transient sensitivity for wildlife management and conservation: Bison as a case study. Biological Conservation 144: 1808-1815. Link
2. Pyne M. I., K. M. Byrne, P. F. Doherty, Jr., K. A. Holfelder, L. McManus, M. Buhnerkempe, N. Burch, E. Childers, S. Hamilton, and G. Schroeder. 2010. Survival and Breeding Transitions for a Reintroduced Bison Population: a Multi-state Approach. Journal of Wildlife Management 74: 1464-1471. Link
1. Byrne K. M., W. K. Lauenroth, and L. McManus. 2010. Non-native Plant Species Impacts on Production and Diversity in the Front Range of Colorado. Western North American Naturalist 70: 288-295. Link
Manuscripts in Review & Revision
Ohlert, T., M. D. Smith, and Drought-Net (including K. M. Byrne). Drought severity interacts with duration to erode ecosystem resistance. In Review. Science.
Worthy, S. J., J. C. Luong, B. E. Wainwright, A. C. Barcu, E. C. Elwood, A. K. Gujral, Drought-Net (including K. M. Byrne), R. P. Phillips, and J. L. Funk. Growth form and phenology mediate the role of traits in short-term drought response: A global study on herbaceous species. In Revision. Nature Ecology & Evolution.
Worthy, S. J., J. C. Luong, B. E. Wainwright, A. C. Barcu, E. C. Elwood, A. K. Gujral, Drought-Net (including K. M. Byrne), R. P. Phillips, and J. L. Funk. Growth form and phenology mediate the role of traits in short-term drought response: A global study on herbaceous species. In Revision. Nature Ecology & Evolution.