Dr. Byrne (not pictured), new lab graduate student Allison, HSU Environmental Science and Management (ESM) senior Ethan, and newly minted ESM graduate Beth headed up to Klamath Falls, OR to begin about 5 weeks of field work on 2 projects: long term monitoring of native Astragalus applegatei (Applegate's milkvetch) individuals, and assessing the impacts of extended drought on plant community composition and community structure in the sagebrush steppe (see lab research for more information). Thanks for all of your hard work, team!
Congratulations to Sean Stewart, who won a research scholarship from Northern California Botanists for his proposed research to conduct a seed bank germination study at Lanphere Dunes; comparing areas that have been invaded by yellow bush lupine to areas that have never been invaded by yellow bush lupine, to areas that have been restored from yellow bush lupine invasion. Sean will be testing seed bank germination methods this summer, and conducting his Capstone research project fall semester. Sean hard at work setting up plots at Lanphere Dunes in Feb 2019
December 2024