We haven't updated the lab website in awhile. Here's what we have been up to:
Allison will have a public talk for her thesis research this Friday at 10 am PST. Send an email to Kerry Byrne ([email protected]) if you'd like the link to attend. All are welcome!
Undergrads Sam and Cessair give presentation at The National Conference for Undergraduate Research4/12/2021 Congratulations to Sam Kelly and Cessair McKinney, who gave an oral presentation on the research that they completed as part of their capstone experience at HSU. The title of their talk was "Innovation in Restoration: Estimating Seed Counts Using a Photography App." See their abstract here! We're so proud of their hard work this year!
We're so pleased to share that first year graduate student Sean Stewart has been selected as the recipient of the 2021 Humboldt State University Alistair and Judith McCrone Graduate Fellowship Award. This award recognizes one outstanding graduate student each year to acknowledge their potential and encourage their continued achievement in their graduate program. Congrats, Sean!
The Byrne lab is hiring! See the attached job announcement for a forest restoration field technician at Teakettle Experimental Forest in the Southern Sierra. Check back in March for additional summer research technician position(s).
Lab Undergraduate Sarah Aguiar awarded CSU Agricultural REsearch Institute Science Fellowship2/5/2021 Big congratulations to Sarah, who was recently awarded a fellowship to study differences in phenology among California poppies in a common garden study. We're so proud of you, Sarah!
Congratulations to Allison, who just found out her talk was accepted to the 2021 Society for Range Management annual meetings [virtual edition]. Allison's talk is titled "Drought alters soil seed bank composition within a sagebrush community: decreasing native forb seeds and increasing invasive grass seeds."
It was a great week in southeastern Oregon at the ORIDE drought net experiment. We can't wait to analyze the data. Thanks to the AMAZING field crew we finished sampling in record time (see photo below). What a team! Special thanks to graduate student Allison Nunes for organizing all the details and pulling it all off flawlessly!
Special thanks also to Dr. Byrne's partner Jason (Dr. Yost) for taking time off of work to travel to Oregon during a pandemic with a 7 month old and 2.5 year old - and watching the kiddos while Dr. Byrne was gone for 10 hrs a day. Jason was instrumental in designing/building the drought shelters at ORIDE 5 years ago and has been "voluntold" to participate in Dr. Byrne's research projects for 13 years now! What a team! photo credit: Allison Nunes It's never too young to involve your children in your research! Here is Dr. Byrne collecting poppy fruits with her 2.5 year old daughter for a new collaboration with researchers from UC Santa Cruz, UC Davis, and HSU.
Congratulations to Allison, who was awarded a field research grant by the Native Plant Society of Oregon (NPSO) for her proposed study to investigate potential changes in the biocrust community at ORIDE after 4 years of drought!
December 2024